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Image de William Bayreuther

"Feet on the ground"

8:30  - 10:30

Frugal technologies on the farm and Logistical and economic intelligence of agricultural sectors (platforms, product traceability and certification, blockchains, etc.)

The digitization of agriculture is changing the way farms operate and organize themselves, and beyond precision agriculture and agroecology, value chains and chains. This process is continuing in relation to increasingly specific consumer expectations in all cities of the world, including in Africa. The arrival of new players (eg start-ups, platforms, etc.) offering new technological and digital solutions (eg sensors, big data, algorithms, blockchain, AI, etc.) is modifying traditional structures, diversifying production methods and marketing, calls for significant managerial, logistical and organizational innovations and also creates new needs in terms of training and skills.

Crossing points of view and through a round table debate the issues of training and popularization on objects and services in digital agriculture, then present some digital innovations, proofs of concept in research or applications already on the market and interested in the economic, social and technical transformations induced by the development of these digital technologies in farms, sectors and agricultural and food value chains in order to understand the challenges and anticipate the dynamics of change are the objectives to which this session wishes to contribute.


  • Pascal Bonnet (CIRAD, #DigitAg International)

  • I sabelle Piot-Lepetit  (INRAE, #DigitAg)

Speakers / Panelists:

  • Nicodeme Fassinou Hotegni , Assistant Professor, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

  • Mamadou Fall , Laiterie du Berger, Open Kossam, Senegal

  • Florent Okry , UNA Kétou-Porto Novo University, Benin

  • Elise Kaba Cra , AgrHymet, CILSS, Niger

  • Dominique Koua , INPHB ESA, Ivory Coast

7 Pitches interventions will follow this round table:

  • Hamza Bendahou , SOWIT, the Soyield-App, multiscalar assessment of mango production at tree and orchard scale based on imagery and artificial intelligence

  • Cherif Diallo , Gaston Berger University / MITIC & DSTN; Senegal, - IoT-SDC - MITIC (Senegal), SMIA (Benin), IoT Smart Data Classifier. Application in food safety and agriculture, digital science and technology network (DSTN), ACE Partners program AFD / IRD, TBC

  • Chloé Alexandre , DigitAg PhD student, CIRAD innovation UMR, The use of new information and communication technologies in Africa: what new forms of advice and what new learning for farmers?

  • Daouda Hamadou , NOVATECH, “E-Kokari” digital platform for agricultural advice and networking between actors in agricultural value chains in Niger.

  • Amah Akodewou , Cirad, Forêts et Sociétés, Monitoring by remote sensing of tree systems in dry areas, involvement in the management and assessment of stocks for the “wood-energy sector” and the supply basin of Niamey, Niger

  • Claire Guillet , KaryOnFood, collaborative platform for agricultural sectors, Company of the ASOI network, VIDEO TBC,

10:45 - 12:15

Climate and health risk management in the service of human and animal populations (remote sensing, proxidetection, health monitoring, web crowling, agro-meteorological alert and prediction services, urban pollution, management of pests and diseases, etc.)

The management through new technologies of individual or collective risks in environmental, human, animal or plant health gives rise to great hopes and opens up many prospects for developing new services, particularly in the face of climate change or increasing urbanization in Africa. But this poses many methodological challenges, in particular the acquisition and integration of numerous data and their processing which will be discussed in a round table. The crossing of eyes is at the heart of this session which will also provide a variety of illustrations in research but also on the basis of solutions proposed by companies and public institutions.  


  • Anne Laurent (UM MUSE ISDM) 

  • Alix Roumagnac (PredictServices)

Panel participants:

  • Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba Gueye , UCAD Senegal University,

  • Henri Songoti , CRA AgrHymet, CILSS, Niger,

  • Isabella Annesi-Maesano , INSERM IDESP, France

  • Hélène Kirchner , INRIA DSTN, France ​


7 Pitches interventions will follow this session:

  • Amelia Caffarra ITK, Ban'App, fight against cercosporidiosis of banana (ITK UMR GECO CIRAD), Amélia CAFFARRA

  • Maïssa Mbaye - Gaston Berger / MITIC & DSTN Senegal University, AIRFARE-EWS project - MITIC (Senegal), CApIC (Nigeria), AI-based Early Warning System for Rift Valley Fever detection

  • Nasir Abubakar Yakub ,  Doctoral student MIPS UM, "Underwater multi-vision system of an underwater robot for navigation and observation of biodiversity"

  • Nicolas Dauy , Cap 2020 - Connected solutions for climate risks and crop pests. Presentation of Virtual Weather Stations and the CapTrap range of connected traps, for precision advice at the plot level. ASOI network company,

  • Hugo Deléglise , DigitAg-Cirad PhD student: "Linking heterogeneous data to strengthen food security systems - The case of agricultural production in West Africa"

  • Véronique Yoboué , Félix Houphouët Boigny University (Côte d'Ivoire), “The health impact of air pollution in urban environments in Côte d'Ivoire and Cameroon. Connected objects to measure the air quality in Yaoundé and in Abidjan and Korhogo. DACCIWA and PASMU projects »

  • Jean Salamero , CNRS, Infrastructure initiatives in health biology in France and towards Africa

All conferencescan be accessed remotely (after registration)

The experts

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Pascal Bonnet

Pascal Bonnet, veterinary epidemiologist (ENV Toulouse) holds a doctorate in health geography from the University of Montpellier (UPV), and Deputy Director of the Environments and Societies department at CIRAD. He directs the international strategy of #DigitAg the Convergences Institute in digital agriculture which aims to build and lead a global network of researchers and institutions, particularly in Africa. It coordinates CIRAD's digital strategy, around open science through the opening and sharing of research data, data science and the development of thematic applications for the digitization of agriculture (digital agriculture).

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Isabelle Piot-Lepetit

Dr Isabelle Piot-Lepetit is a researcher at INRAE and deputy director of #DigitAg, Institut Convergences en Agriculture Numérique, in Montpellier, France. His research interests are in the measurement of efficiency and productivity and the adoption and impact of digital technologies in value chains.

Image de Ben Sweet

Nicodeme Fassinou Hotegni

Nicodeme FASSINOU HOTEGNI is Assistant Master in Plant Crop Physiology at the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin, co-organizer of the African Conference on Precision Agriculture (AfCPA)

Image de Ben Sweet

Mamadou Fall

Mamadou Fall, is responsible for the Open Kossam ("open milk") project, which offers a series of mobile applications (KSDE system) for operators of the milk sector in Senegal in the Ferlo region in an agro-pastoral environment. This Kossam SDE subsidiary is a partner of LDB Laiterie du Berger, in Richard-Toll, partner dairy of CIRAD on the "Digital Fractures in digital agriculture in West Africa" project (Senegal, Benin, Ivory Coast).

Image de Ben Sweet

Florent Okry

Florent Okry, is a research professor at the National University of Agriculture (UNA) of Kétou-Porto Novo

Lecturer in rural sociology and head of the Access Agriculture office and platform in West Africa  for the provision  training videos, and the animation of agricultural extension social networks in digital agriculture, on peri-urban market gardening sectors, or in organic agriculture. It is a CIRAD partner in Benin on the "Digital Fractures in Digital Agriculture in West Africa" project (Senegal, Benin, Ivory Coast). ,

Image de Meiying Ng

Elise Kaba Cra

Elise KABA NONGNYAGHMA, is an IT trainer and head of the Instruments and Micro-informatics sector of the AGRHYMET Regional Center which covers 17 countries of the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS). She is currently acting in the Basic Training Division at the CRA. She is teaching manager in the Masters of the CRA and a partner of CIRAD in projects for the management and modeling of digital data in agronomy, hydrology and meteorology (support project for the development of French higher education in Africa).

Image de Ben Sweet

Dominique Koua

Dominique KOUA is a research professor at the National Polytechnic Institute Félix Houphouët Boigny INPHB, Yamassoukro, ESA École Supérieure d'Agronomie. He is in charge of frugal technologies and a new training course in AgroTIC at INPHB-ESA, partner of the Institut Agro Montpellier - AgroTIC chair and of the company Aspexit.

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Hamza Bendahou

Hamza Bendahou has a background in engineering and finance. He graduated from ENSEEIHT & SUPAERO in 2012 and worked for 5 years in the insurance field for Gras Savoye WTW, where he led a team of actuaries.


Passionate about unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), he has designed and built long-range autonomous drones capable of flying up to 4 hours and equipped with several on-board sensors intended for agricultural work.


His major interest in Africa and agriculture led him to use his skills to build algorithms that can help farmers reduce their inputs and maximize their yields.


Hamza Bendahou is an expert in embedded systems and Big Data data analysis. As a certified drone pilot, he has trained numerous companies in drone piloting and precision farming in several African countries.

Image de Ben Sweet

Cherif Diallo

Cherif DIALLO is a teacher-researcher at the UFR of Applied Sciences and Technologies (SAT) of the UGB and director of the Ousmane SECK Computing Center (CCOS) of the Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis. He is a member of the digital sciences and technologies network (DSTN), of the ACE Partners AFD / IRD program.  and project partner on the internet of things. “IoT-SDC - MITIC (Senegal), SMIA (Benin) IoT Smart Data Classifier. Application in food safety and agriculture "

Image de Meiying Ng

Chloe alexandre

Chloé Alexandre is a CIRAD DigitAg doctoral student on “The use of new information and communication technologies in Africa: what new forms of advice and what new learning for farmers? "

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Daouda Hamadou

Daouda HAMADOU is a graduate in Industrial Computing and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Leadership, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. He is the CEO of NOVATECH Niger, a startup based in Niamey, Niger, which provides innovative solutions in the fields of health, agriculture and education.  With his team, he implemented the E-KOKARI application which is a digital platform that allows farmers and breeders in Niger to access digital services for agricultural advice, connection with buyers and alerts. weather forecast in national languages. He also implemented the “Stop Covid19” platform which is a digital platform for the prevention of covid19 which has received more than 60,000 telephone calls in 5 languages from Niger. He is currently working as a consultant for the WHO as part of a Mobile-Health project for monitoring pregnancies via the telephone. He is also a consultant for FAO Niger within the framework of the 1000 Digital Villages initiative. He also works for the German Cooperation GIZ to support young Nigerien entrepreneurs in e-commerce. He has worked for UNICEF, UNDP, AfDB, the Tony Elumelu Foundation in the framework of supporting hundreds of young Africans in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. He is a laureate of the prestigious Young African Leader Initiative (YALI) Mandela Washington Fellowship (MWF 2016) program of the United States Department of State (USA) in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. He is also the winner of the first 2017 edition of the Young Leader Africa-France program of the Africa-France Foundation and AFD.

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Amah Akodewou

Amah Akodewou, PhD in Environmental Sciences of Togolese origin, is a researcher at CIRAD in the Forests and Societies UPR. He specializes in ecology and remote sensing of dry plant formations. At CIRAD, he is interested in the restoration of degraded ecosystems and the management of natural resources in dryland landscapes, particularly in the Sahel.

Image de Meiying Ng

Claire Guillet

The KaryOn company is developing a collaborative KaryOnFood platform to reconstruct the history of agricultural products. It allows professionals in sustainable sectors to reconstruct the history of their products and communicate it to consumers.

Image de Ben Sweet

Stephane Ballas

Ovalie Innovation, Precision agriculture, Drone spreading (plant cover, trichogramma, liquid products) Company of the ASOI network  and Reflet du Monde, partner of Ovalie Innovation, a specialist in aerial work which offers training in remote Drone piloting

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Anne Laurent

Anne Laurent is professor of computer science at the University of Montpellier, within LIRMM and Polytech. She is Deputy Vice-President for Open Science and Research Data and currently heads the Montpellier Institute of Data Science (ISDM) and the Meso @ LR platform. utilisateurs-lirmm/anne-laurent

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Gregoire Mercier

Grégoire Mercier is a doctor, head of the Data Sciences team at the university hospital CHU de Montpellier and associate researcher at IDESP (UMR UA11 INSERM / University of Montpellier). His work focuses on the impact of the environment on health and on the analysis of social and geographic inequities in access to healthcare. He is co-founder of KanopyMed, a start-up incubated at the Montpellier BIC which develops individual and population-based decision support tools by applying artificial intelligence methods from different sources of health data. A public health doctor by training, he holds a Masters in health economics (London Schools of Economics) and a doctoral thesis in Economics and Management (University of Montpellier). He was awarded the Harkness Fellowship of the Commonwealth Fund to work at Harvard Medical School in 2018-2019.

Image de Ben Sweet

Alix Roumagnac

Alix Roumagnac, is President of Predict, a company made up of experts in Natural Risk Management, Cartographers, Hydrological Engineers, Statisticians, Geomaticians. The company offers its expertise in risk analysis and prioritization, prevention and management, and the dissemination of risk culture. It has established itself as an expert in the prevention of natural risks, helping municipalities, businesses and individuals to make the right decisions in the face of the crisis: before, during and after.

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Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba Gueye

Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba GUEYE is Full Professor of universities, head of the Computer Science Section of UCAD Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar (Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) and the President of the Senegalese Association of Computer Science Researchers  ASCII . From 2014 to 2021, he was the head of the Computer Science Laboratory at UCAD. He is investing in the field of smart territories and a focus on digital health by setting up epidemiological monitoring systems based on the Internet of Things. (

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Henri Songoti

Henri SONGOTI, is Software Engineering Expert, Head of the Technical Support Department at the AGRHYMET Regional Center, a specialized institution of the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS)  .

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Isabella Annesi-Maesano

Isabella Annesi-Maesano, is INSERM research director (DR1) and professor of environmental epidemiology. She co-directs the Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, INSERM and the University of Montpellier, in Montpellier. His research interests include the explanation of the etiopathogenesis of chronic diseases by an exposomic approach taking into account spatio-temporal dimensions. Since 2013, she has been working on the health impact of air pollution and climate change in Francophone Africa. She has held various management positions in many international medical societies (ERS, ATS, WAO, EAACI, Union) contributing to the development of their positions, recommendations and guidelines. She has received national and international scientific awards. She sits on the editorial boards of numerous medical journals and book series. Ella has over 600 publications (articles, book chapters) and has just written a book on the exposome. She is the president of the IRD Ethics Committee. She is an environmental epidemiologist by training, initially trained in physics (Rome) and medicine (Paris).

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Helene Kirchner

Hélène Kirchner is Emeritus Research Director at Inria, the French Institute for Digital Sciences and Scientific Officer in the International Relations Department of this institute. She advises and monitors Inria's strategy in Africa in particular. As part of the ACE Partner project, she is the scientific referent of the DSTN network in Digital Sciences and Technologies. His area of research expertise covers formal specifications, automatic calculation and deduction, program verification and computer security.

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Amelia Caffarra

Amelia Caffarra is a research modeler at ITK, where with CIRAD, she coordinated the development of Ban'App, for the phytosanitary management of black Sigatoka in bananas. She has also worked on other ADOs against crop diseases. His thesis at Trinity College (Ireland) explored the environmental controls of tree phenology.

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Maïssa MBAYE

Maïssa Mbaye graduated from a Masters in Computer and ICT Engineering (2ITIC) at Gaston Berger University in St-Louis, then a Masters in Distributed Systems, Networks and Parallelism at Bordeaux 1 University (2005-2006). In 2009, he obtained his doctorate from Bordeaux 1 University in the Bordeaux Computer Science Research Laboratory (LaBRI). Between 2009 and 2011, he then worked on the ANR Diaforus project (DIstributed Applications and Functions Over Redundant Unattended Sensors) as Post Doctoral Research Engineer. Mr. Mbaye is Associate Professor at Gaston Berger University in St-Louis and member of LANI (Laboratory of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science). He teaches computer science and his main research topics include Autonomic Networking, Knowledge Plane, Edge Artificial Intelligence (IoT + Machine Learning) applied to agriculture, health and environment, and cyber security. His work has been the subject of numerous scientific publications. He is currently, since April 2020, the coordinator of the African Center of Excellence in Mathematics, Computer Science and ICT.

Image de Ben Sweet

Nasir Abubakar Yakub

Nasir Abubakar Yakub is a MIPS PhD student at UM on the subject "Underwater multi-vision system of an underwater robot for navigation and observation of biodiversity"

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Nicolas DAUY

Nicolas DAÜY is an agricultural engineer from Bordeaux Sciences Agro, Nicolas specializes in electronics, connected objects and systems. He joined Cap 2020 in 2015 after a first professional experience at Arvalis - Plant Institute and INRAE (ex-IRSTEA). Today, he manages the innovation, development and production of Cap2020 connected objects, like the CapTrap range of connected traps, or metIS climate stations.

Image de Ben Sweet

Hugo Deléglise

Hugo Deléglise, is a DigitAg doctoral student in the TETIS and MOISA unit at CIRAD, on the subject "Linking heterogeneous data to strengthen food security systems - The case of agricultural production in West Africa"

Image de Meiying Ng

Véronique Yoboué

Véronique Yoboué is a University Professor at the Laboratory of Matter, Environmental and Solar Energy Sciences (LASMES) of the Félix Houphouët Boigny University (Ivory Coast). She leads projects on atmospheric pollution and risk management in the human population (Atmospheric Pollution, sensors and health modeling), such as the PASMU project (Air Pollution and Health in Urban Environments) which relates to the study air pollution and its health impacts in Abidjan and Korhogo in Côte d'Ivoire.

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Jean Salamero

Jean Salamero is Research Director at CNRS. A biochemist by training, holder of a Doctorate in Immunology, his research group is located at the Institut Curie in Paris in close collaboration with Inria in Rennes, with which he co-directs a joint team (SERPICO).

Its expertise is focused on cell biology and imaging of living organisms. Since the mid-1990s, he has been involved in providing and accessing innovative imaging technologies to as many people as possible, created the Institut Curie imaging platform (labeled IBiSA nationally), participated at the genesis of the National Infrastructure France-BioImaging, which he directed from 2014 to 2018, is a member of the Board of the European infrastructure ERIC-EuroBioImaging and that of the international network Global BioImaging. He runs the Club des infrastructures Nationales en Biologie Santé.

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